10 Questions to Ask Before Choosing an RV Storage Service

RV storage service

The summer season is almost over, and it’s time to start thinking about where you’ll park your vacation on wheels for the off-season. Part of keeping your RV safe when you’re not using it is knowing where to store it, and knowing why you’re storing it.

Whether you’re a new RV owner or a seasoned veteran looking for a change, it’s important to be prepared with exactly what you need to know before signing an RV storage service agreement. We’ve prepared ten important questions to ask before you choose an RV storage service in Kitsap County, WA, and across the United States.

1. Is RV Storage Service What I Need?

Let’s face it; we don’t all have the luxury of a few-acre property where you could just park and RV for free for the off-season. Street parking is a no-go as most cities discourage long-term parking by issuing tickets and, in some cases, bans. Parking it in your driveway, although free, takes up one or two parking spots and is a complete eyesore for you (and your neighbors!)

There are plenty of articles out there speaking to the benefits of storing your RV, so do your research! The most practiced hassle-free option to look at is parking your vacation home on wheels at a safe and secure storage facility. You will want to take a look at the storage facility’s about us page for a list of services to determine whether they offer RV storage.

2. Is My RV Prepared for Storage?

Before even beginning your location search, it’s best to first ensure that you have gone through all necessary steps to prepare RVs for storage. Winterization is important for longevity and keeping your vacation on wheels in top shape. KOA offers a great comprehensive step-by-step list for winterizing your RV that will help you get started.

Take the time to review the owners manual and check out some online RV forums for tips and suggestions to get you on the right track. You can also get in touch with the place you bought your RV for their recommendations for winterization.

You will want to make sure you have a comprehensive checklist of winterization steps to avoid any devastating damage to your RV while stored. Give it the TLC it needs to save you a headache in the long run!

3.  Covered vs. Uncovered: What’s the Difference?

Protection from the elements is key in ensuring the longest life for your RV. With this in mind, you will need to decide between two types of storage services: covered or uncovered.

Covered storage provides you the added peace of mind of not having the worry about your RV being exposed to winter weather along with the freeze-thaw cycle once spring rolls around. Your RV would be typically protected with a solid roof and, in some cases, coverage on three sides.

With uncovered storage, it is up to you to shoulder the risk of damage. RVs would be stored in a parking spot without anything on top to protect them from snowfall or freezing rain.

In the event you choose uncovered options, you will want to ensure that the storage facility allows individuals to erect coverings for the RVs since it’s not recommended to leave RVs out in the open as a safety precaution. Should you choose this route, it’s best to look into an awning option to cover the top of your RV.

Different storage facilities will typically provide you with listed prices of the options available, along with sizes. Determining which option you would like for your RV will help in your search for the perfect storage spot.

4. What Is My RV Storage Budget?

Depending on the location, size, and type of storage facility, you will come across a range of prices. It’s important to factor in these calculations into your budget so that there are no surprises on your end, as well as choosing an option that is economically feasible for you. 

You will want to be aware of whether the RV storage service fee will be a monthly or annual payment and if the fee is inclusive or exclusive of additional fees for security, administrative, and any other fees or charges. This will help keep the surprise of additional charges on your bill to a minimum.

Once you’re determined your budget, you can start your hunt for the perfect spot!

5. Is Location Important to Me?

You will need to determine whether the location is of importance to you. Knowing this will help narrow down your storage service search for a place closer or a bit further from you while researching different storage facilities.

For some individuals, they would rather drive further if there is a better facility for them, and some individuals like to stick closer to home. There is no right or wrong choice here but a matter of preference. 

6. How Safe Is My RV?

So you’ve narrowed down your options, and the next question to ask is about the safety features available at the storage service. Ideally, the service you choose should have a code-accessed gate, tall fencing, and some form of monitored security. Do your research on what to look out for and even for tips to keep your RV safe as well while it is parked there.

Most modern facilities will offer video surveillance of their storage property. The difference between them is those that have the surveillance monitored 24/7, and/or have an individual present on the property to monitor.

RVs are considered luxury items that will attract burglars and thieves. You will want to choose a service whose priority is keeping RVs safe.

7. How Is the Accessibility?

A surprising point that’s often overlooked in RV storage services is accessibility. You will want to ask the storage facility what their policy is for accessing your RV during its storage time. There are a few reasons why this is important.

The RV will need to be checked on and have some adjustments made during the season. Things like flat spots on tires, checking for leaks/damage, and just general check-ins are a great preventative and maintenance measure you need to take as an RV owner. Knowing what the storage service rules are for accessing your RV is important.

Inquire as to their access hours, if you are able to go to your RV and work on it/provide maintenance, as well as check-in on it from time to time.

8. How Reliable Is This Storage Service?

It’s incredibly important to do your research when it comes to storage services. Anyone can put up an advertisement claiming they are the best and most secure, but the customer reviews will paint you the correct picture. Search for the company online, look at customer reviews, and what people have to say about these places.

Another great option is getting recommendations via word of mouth. Ask other RV owners where they store their vehicle, do they like it, and what their experience has been so far. What people have to say will go further than only what the company tells you.

9. Do I Need Storage Insurance?

Each storage service will have their own requirements on whether or not storage renters will need to hold insurance. It’s best to ask this question prior to signing any agreements, so you are fully aware of all the expenses and requirements that are needed to park your RV.

Insurance offers you the peace of mind to cover you in the event of thefts, break-ins, and some weather damage that may occur to your RV during its time in storage. Though it is recommended, in some cases, storage facilities will let you go without. Make sure to check out the storage facilities’ policy listed online to see if this is a requirement.

10. Are There Any Discounts or Incentives?

If you don’t ask, the answer will always be no! Chances are that the storage facilities you are looking at will be more than inclined to barter on the price if asked. That’ll be an added benefit to keep your RV storage budget in check and could be the decision-maker for which service you choose.

Finding the Right Storage Service for Your RV

There you have it—you’re now better equipped to make your RV storage service decision. If you have any other tips and tricks for RV storage, don’t forget to leave a reply, and of course, share with your RV friends and family! 

Contact us to help you get on the right track to a safe off-season RV experience this year.


9 Common Boat Storage Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

boat storage mistakes

At least 141.6 million Americans went boating in the year 2016 alone. With more than 12 million registered boats in the U.S., recreational boating is set to grow by the numbers over the next five years as the culture gains prominence.

Are you a boat owner looking to keep your yacht safe and secure during winter?

Your approach to storage has a significant effect on your boat’s condition.  The most common option for most boaters is to rent a self-storage unit to store their boats.

As colder weather slowly approaches, here’re some of the boat storage mistakes you need to avoid.

1. Neglecting Insurance

Whether you intend to store one boat or multiple vessels, your worst mistake would be to neglect the need for insurance. Even if you choose the most secure storage facility for your boat, you might still need to consider the possibility of unseen risks. Disasters that are a result of works of nature, such as hurricanes, can happen.

Most times, the owners of such storage facilities don’t take responsibility for such risks that are beyond human control. Suppose your boat sustains any damages while in storage, you need to be sure that you can get compensation. The most common boat storage mistakes you might make include neglecting the facility provided insurance or self-applied protection.

As the off-season approaches, it’s time to find a haven to store your summer toys. Boats are some of the seasonal items that benefit from self- storage units. However, before storing your boat, it would help to get in touch with your insurer.

You can then decide whether to take up property damage, collision, or comprehensive coverage for your boat.

2. Picking Any Random Boat Storage Unit

The cold season can have a toll on your boat if proper care is lacking. With this in mind, you need to ensure that your storage unit fits the bill before storing your yacht. Size does matter when selecting a storage unit for your boat.

You also need to countercheck the condition of the storage unit to confirm its quality standards. Your boat is probably worth a couple of thousands of dollars. This is why you need a state-of-the-art storage facility to keep your watercraft in the best state.

Choosing the right storage facility will give you the peace of mind you need throughout the winter season. Factors such as the overall maintenance of the facility should matter when settling for a specific unit. Your decision to pay for a particular storage unit should also depend on the inherent features such as controlled climate.

It would be a costly mistake to settle for just any storage unit without conducting in-depth due diligence.

3. Considering Pocket-friendliness at the Expense of Reliability

Cost is a matter of concern when looking for a storage facility for your boat. You need to work within a budget to ensure that the expenses involved don’t overwhelm you. However, your boat storage budget should not blind your focus on choosing a reliable storage facility.

Among the typical boat storage mistakes you might make would be to focus on the cost of storage as a singular factor. Ultimately, you would rather spend more on storage than have to consider repair and maintenance costs due to poor storage outcomes.

Boat owners spend as much as $66,000 on boat repairs. If you want to minimize the cost of repairs during the peak season, you should be willing to invest more in storage during the winter. Don’t make the mistake of choosing a cheaper storage facility at the expense of reliability.

4. Failure to Winterize

Most boats are highly susceptible to rust and corrosion, especially during the cold winter season. While some storage facilities, such as the one at Ideal Storage Kingston, have state-of-the-art facilities with climate-controlled units, most others have standard storage space. Without any controls, corrosion and rust in the storage units can easily damage your boat’s exterior.

5. Leaving the Battery Connected

The offseason period is bound to be longer. You might end up leaving your boat’s battery connected during the storage out of pure obliviousness or forgetfulness. If you hope to use your battery again during the peak, this could be a costly blunder to avoid.

Batteries last an average of 5 years, depending on the overall level of care. If you get into the habit of leaving your battery connected during winter, you might end up dealing with shorter battery spans. A battery that’s left connected while in storage will likely drain out and die sooner than its average shell life.

When storing your boat, you should disconnect the batteries. You should then fill such cells with distilled water to ensure that they remain stable while redundant. This is the simplest way to ensure that your boat’s battery serves you long enough.

6. Not Changing the Oil Filters

By the time the winter season approaches, most boat owners are ready to transition to sledding and snowboarding. Not so fast, though. You need to consider the state in which you store your yacht.

Changing the oil filters before storing your boat is an essential practice for the boat owner. Even so, most boat owners don’t remember this critical step before putting their boats away. You don’t want to end up with overly dry engine components when the peak season is finally back.

Leaving a dirty oil filter can cause freeze-thaw damage to your boat. Marine engines and other accessories have an estimated annual retail sale of more than $20.1 billion. If you want to avoid this high cost of engine repair or replacement, it will help keep your oil filter clean over the winter break.

7. Not Cleaning Your Boat

You’ll probably not need your boat for the next few months as the cold season kicks in. The temptation to wait until the summer to give her a shine is understandable. But don’t be mistaken, this could be the beginning of trouble.

Everybody loves to have that pristine look on their boat during the peak season. However, failure to clean your boat just before storage could potentially harm the exterior. Salty water and other debris can cause rust and corrosion on the boat’s surface.

Leaving the boat in a dirty state is among the most common boat storage mistakes you need to avoid. You can do this by ensuring that your boat gets a thorough wash every time you prepare for storage. Take your time to rinse off all the salty water and other debris on the boat’s surface that contribute to damage.

8. Failure to Undertake Repairs Before Storage

Most boats experience wear and tear after a long season of boating.  Damages to the various interior and exterior components are often unavoidable. While you might wait to repair the boat during the next summer, this could be a costly mistake.

Damages that occur during peak season could worsen over the winter break if no repairs are forthcoming. If you don’t consider repairs, such cracks and breakages will likely expand due to the freeze-thaw effect. Other times, your boat’s components may succumb to structural pressure affecting the hull parts.

Your first assignment before storing your boat should be to assess it for any damages. Ensure that you repair such damages before finally taking your break. This gives you the confidence that you’ll find the boat in the same functional condition once the break is over.

9. Failure to Lubricate Grease Points

You are about to store your boat in a storage facility, not a garage. As such, no one will have the responsibility for your boat’s mechanical condition. Your worst mistake would be to store your boat without first dealing with the need for lubrication.

Greasing helps to keep your mechanical systems in the best possible operational condition. You can also keep moisture away from your delicate boat components by greasing them before storage. The good thing about greasing is that you don’t need a professional to get the job done.

Ensure that you focus on the sensitive parts of the boat when greasing. This will guarantee that you get back your boat in the best state after the long winter break.

Avoid These Boat Storage Mistakes At all Cost

Whether yours is a new or a pre-owned boat, it sure cost you a fortune. The best way to protect this investment is to ensure proper storage this winter. At Ideal Storage Kingston, we guarantee you state of the art storage features to provide the best conditions for your valuables when in our custody.

All you need is to avoid these boat storage mistakes if you hope to get back your boat next summer in the best state.

Are you looking for an ideal place to store all of your valuables in Kingston, WA? Contact us to book a site tour.

7 Benefits of Drive-Up Storage Units for Vehicles

storage units

The U.S. market for self-storage units reached a staggering $38 billion in 2019. With more than 2.3 billion square feet of rentable self-storage space currently available nationwide, this real estate sector continues to boom.

In the last half a century, storage units have played a big role in the way people across the country organize their lives. As new investors enter the industry and existing ones broaden their portfolios, these miniature warehouses will only become more common.

If you’ve been on the market for storage space for your vehicle or other treasured property, you’ll be happy to know that there’s a variety of options to choose from. But what exactly are drive-up self-storage units? More importantly, what benefits can you reap by opting to use them?

These are some of the issues we discuss in today’s post. Keep reading to learn more.

Understanding Drive-Up Self-Storage Units

A drive-up storage unit is a garage-like storage space that lets to pull your vehicle into or next to it for easy unloading and loading of your items. Usually, drive-up storage units are an outdoor option. However, you can still find indoor facilities that offer drive-up access.

Drive-up self-storage units are enclosed and come in different sizes. The smallest units are the size of a one-car garage. The units are ideal for storing various items, including:

  • Household and personal items when moving
  • Vehicles
  • Building and Gardening or supplies
  • Outdoor recreation equipment such as jet skis and dirt bikes
  • Furniture
  • Winter snow equipment

Some drive-up storage units are also perfect for storage for vehicles.

What Makes Drive-Up Storage Units So Desirable?

Demand for drive-up self-storage units continues to skyrocket, and it’s easy to see why. Below, we outline seven top benefits of these facilities.

1. Easy Access

Drive-up storage units are built at ground level, which makes it easy to move the vehicle right up to the entrance. This is important because it minimizes the chances of your goods being damaged.

As you probably know, most damage done to goods happens when you’re moving them to the self-storage facility, not when you’re storing them. With the vehicle parked at the entrance of the facility or inside, it’s easier and safer to load and unload items.

2. Transfer of Heavy Items Is Easier

Sometimes, you are using drive-up storage to store bulky items, such as furniture. With this type of facility, you needn’t worry about the people moving the items damaging their backs since they’ll only need to move the items a short distance.

3. You Save on Moving Companies

With other types of storage facilities, you may need to hire a moving company to help you load and unload heavy items. The best movers don’t come cheap, and there’s no guarantee they’ll take the utmost care of your expensive items.

Drive-up storage units eliminate this problem by helping you get as close to the unit as possible. This way, you can do the job yourself or with the help of a friend or relative.

4. You Get Larger Space for Storage

An indoor storage unit is usually designed to fit the design of the entire building. These units are generally compact compared to drive-up storage centers.

Drive-up centers don’t usually include hallways, exterior walls, or doors for people to enter and exit. Rather, each unit has only its walls and entrance, which help make its overall size bigger.

5. They Offer Car Storage Possibilities

Sometimes, all you may want to store your vehicles in a self-storage facility. Earlier, we pointed out that the smallest size of a drive-up storage facility is a one-car garage. You can still get a larger facility, depending on the type of vehicle you’re looking to store.

There are many benefits to opting to store your car in a drive-up storage facility, especially if you are a car collector. For starters, you can rent the space almost indefinitely. Moreover, many of these facilities give you the option to control the room’s humidity and temperature, so your car doesn’t get damaged.

An added benefit is that drive-up storage centers are spacious, making it easier for you to work on your vehicle whenever you need to.

6. They’re Affordable

Drive-up self-storage facilities are the ideal choice for people with a small budget for storage units. These facilities cost much less than indoor storage centers.

Given that drive-up storage units are larger than indoor storage units, it might seem surprising that they would be cheaper. The reason is that indoor units usually provide more security benefits. Besides, indoor storage facilities have more temperature control options.

That said, it’s important to note that outdoor storage facilities still do offer security and climate control. These units will usually have high-quality locks and security cameras, among other security features. You also get humidity and temperature control options.

7. You Get Better ROI for Your Large Items

When you invest in large items such as vehicles, boats, yard equipment, and so on, you expect the best return on investment (ROI) on them. When you keep the items outdoors, they often experience faster wear and tear.

The harsh elements may cause rust on the gears and cranks and swelling on wood. Even plastic can get weakened by the heat and cold.

The best solution is to keep your large items out of the weather. Unfortunately, you may not always have enough space in your home to do so. Opting to rent a drive-up storage facility is an excellent option as it provides a secure and affordable place for your expensive items.

Choosing a Storage Unit

Different drive-up storage units have different features, so it may not always be easy to know which one will work best for you. In this section, we outline several things to consider when selecting a drive-up storage facility, whether you’re looking for short term or long term storage.

Consider the Item You Wish to Score

What you wish to store will play a great role in determining the type and size of the facility you should go for. If it’s antique furniture or heirlooms, then you want a climate-controlled unit. If you’re planning to store some sports equipment or seasonal items, a smaller unit should suffice.

Value for Money

You’re going to be spending your hard-earned money on a drive-up storage facility, so it’s only natural that you want to get the most out of it. Of course, rental fees will vary considerably based on location, size, and unit features.

Start by making sure that the facility has all the amenities you need. Compare different facilities and carefully examine their quotes. You also want to enquire about discounts or specials.

Always insist on an accurate, all-inclusive quote before signing any papers. You want to steer clear from facilities that may have hidden fees.


Chances are you want a drive-up storage facility near your home or office. The convenience of being able to get to the facility quickly can be irresistible. But before you rush to make a decision on the ideal location of a storage location, ask yourself where specifically you intend to use the items you plan to store in the facility.

If the storage unit is meant for your vintage car or yard equipment, then choosing a location near your home makes perfect sense. On the other hand, if you intend to store your skiing equipment or personal watercraft, it makes sense to choose a storage center close to a nearby mountain or lake.


Understandably you want to take advantage of the amenities that a facility offers. Some of the amenities may be more important to you than others.

Start by looking at the facility’s security features. Is the facility well-lit? Does it have perimeter fencing, video surveillance, electronic gate entrance, and resident managers?

Next, consider the convenience the facility offers. Consider such things as online reservations, month-to-month leases, daily access, extended access hours, and online bill payment.


You’re storing your precious belongings in a place other than your home. It’s essential to know that you can trust the facility to take care of your goods.

Start by checking their online reviews. You can visit such online places as Yelp and Google to check their ratings and customer reviews. If the facility has good ratings and reviews, you have a good idea of what to expect.

Visit the facility in place and speak to the staff. Observe how they treat you and other clients. When they speak to you, do they seem confident and sincere?

Take a good look at the facility. Does it look like the pictures you saw on their website and social media pages?

Choose a Drive-Up Storage Unit and Reap the Benefits

Drive-up storage units can make a huge difference for people looking for storage space for their items. The ease of access, security, affordability, and storage options that these facilities offer make them the number one storage option for millions of customers.

Are you looking for the ideal storage solution for your items? Please contact us today.

Home Away From Home: Dorm Room Essentials for New College Students

Every high-school student dreams of the day when they will begin college life and move away from home. Moving into a dorm and finally having the freedom to decorate how you want, clean (or not!) when you choose, and live life by your rules is one of the most exciting things about going to college. When move-in day finally arrives, you don’t want to be struggling with packing, or worse, forget any of the simple necessities that you may have taken for granted at home. It’s important to prepare your checklist of dorm room essentials ahead of time so that you can focus on the fun and excitement of move-in day. Here’s what you need to pack before you leave home.

bed sheets

Bed Linen

There may or may not be a provision for bed linen, including pillow cases, bed sheets, comforters etc. Thus, it is a great idea to keep at least two sets of bed linen. Of course you can bring more, but having two sets is ideal for easy storage because when you wash one, the other will adorn your bed. Bring your pillow and an extra cushion, for support while studying, reading, or watching a movie in bed or on the floor. You can always keep it aside when you don’t need it, and it adds an extra layer of comfort to your dorm decor.

Clothing and Accessories

We all love to show off our style, whether we’re walking to class or walking into a party! However, unlike the plentiful storage space that we find at home, dorm rooms have very limited storage space. Thus, you should only pack enough to fill this storage space comfortably (and to get you through from one laundry day to the next). If you bring too much clothes, shoes, or accessories, all your storage space will be occupied and can make a small space look and feel even smaller. Plus, you need to save room in your wardrobe for all the new clothes you’ll buy at the bookstore to show your school spirit!

clothes hangers

Clothes Hangers

While you will have limited storage space in the dorm room, you can make the most of it by bringing and using a variety of hangers. They will not only tidy up your room, but will allow you to neatly stack more clothes within the same space. Look for thin, velvety hangers for shirts, tops, or dresses. Their narrow width will allow you to fit more in the closet than plastic hangers, and the soft coating keeps clothes from falling off. You may also want to bring some different types of specialty hangers, like those designed to hold multiple pairs of jeans or skirts, or a scarf hanger for belts and accessories.

laundry basket

Baskets (For Storage and Laundry)

While storage space in dorm rooms may be limited, baskets can help you make the most of what you’ve got. Storage baskets can help you organize a variety of items, from clothing to school supplies, and give your room a neat appearance by selecting baskets in coordinating colors or materials.

Similarly, a laundry basket will be a savior when you look for a ‘dumping station’ for your dirty clothes. As a bonus, a decorative laundry basket can help you hide the pile in style when inviting over friends or a date. If you don’t want to carry basket, opt for stackable or foldable cartons that can be easily shoved under the bed or in the closet when not in use.

alarm clock

Alarm Clock

College life is not only about fun and freedom, but also about responsibility. Thus, you will need an alarm clock when you have those early morning lectures. While mobile phones can serve the purpose of an alarm clock, many of us may forget charging after a late night studying or hanging out, and accidentally skip an important alarm. Alarm clocks also give an old-school charm to your dorm room, and make it easy to check the time at a glance.

Room Décor

Your dorm room will be your home-away-from-home for a good part of the next few years. Therefore, you should definitely spruce up its look by adding wall art or décor that you like. You don’t have to go over the top and fill your room with random clutter, but include a few special items will make you happy to come back to your room at the end of a tiring college day. If you are a painting or art enthusiast, or a photographer, you should take some of your own masterpieces to adorn the walls of your dorm room. Family pictures, greeting cards and other such memorabilia also make great room décor, and help keep warm memories fresh.


Bathroom Essentials

Towels, a bathrobe, and flip flops are necessities to keep you comfortable and clean during and after a shower at the dorms. A tote to carry your toiletries makes it easy to keep your bathroom stuff in one place, making everything easier to store and easier to carry to or from the bathroom.

Kitchen Essentials

You might have a central kitchen or a personal kitchenette. Whatever the case may be, you should inquire with the school about what supplies and equipment are allowed to be brought. If you are sharing a room with others, it is a great idea to divide these items among yourselves. The cafeteria is going to be a prominent and very exciting part of your college life, but it is recommended that you bring some appliances like a microwave or toaster, to save you on those occasions when you are unable to fetch a meal from outside. An electric kettle will also come in handy for making things like instant coffee, tea, or ramen – the official food of broke college kids everywhere.


Important Documents

You should make a list of all the documents that might be needed in the university, not only during the initial registrations and memberships, but also in the long-run. If you need specific documentation, identity cards, or permissions, it is best to arrange for them well ahead of time. It is best to make copies of important documents and save them properly in digital formats too.

First-aid Kit and Medicines

While it is extremely likely that your dorm will have a first-aid kit and medical room, it is advisable to stock up on these items yourself, too. This way, you won’t have to rely on the availability of a nurse or medical attendant for small needs like band-aids or aspirin. If you take medicines regularly, you should store your prescriptions safely and in a place that can be easily reached. Stock up on your medicines and be sure to refill them before you run out.

office supplies

Stationery Items

You will likely lose a few pens, notebooks, and post-its. Therefore, keeping some stock of these items is a great idea. Make a list of these items and keep them handy. Bring glass markers and permanent marker to put a label on all your personal belongings that will be kept in common facilities.

Hanging a white board with erasable markers can help you plan your tasks in advance and be more organized. If you are more of a traditional student, hang a monthly or yearly calendar on the backside of your door or on a wall. If you like to maintain a diary, then you should definitely bring one with you to document your experiences.


While this checklist is by no means complete or exhaustive, it should help you get started with packing for dorm life. Once you’ve moved in and can compare your items with what your friends and roommates have, you will figure out what’s left to get. By having the necessities in your bags on move-in day, you’ll ease the transition from home life to dorm life, and set up a comfortable space to call your own.


Ideal Storage | Commercial Ave. Kingston Washington 98346 United States
Ideal Storage | Commercial Ave. Kingston Washington 98346 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Ideal Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Ideal Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://kingstonidealstorage.com/.

Christmas in July – Organizing and Storing Seasonal Items

It is difficult to imagine Christmas during the summer when the temperature is soaring high. Unless your house is in a place where the temperature is always freezing, you probably do not think about a summer Christmas. However, summers can be the best time to make plans for your winter festivities. Some of the top reasons why you need to start preparing for Christmas in July include:

  • You have a fewer number of parties to go to in July than between Thanksgiving and New Years.
  • It is much easier to go gift shopping in the off season than during the holiday rush. The checkout lines are shorter and the malls are less crowded.
  • The summer holidays are spaced far from the Christmas holidays and therefore there are lesser distractions in July.
  • In July, when the temperature is soaring, you can stay inside your house and plan your holiday.

Come December, being unable to locate certain holiday decorations or easily distinguish which items are stored where can is a common setback that can delay or even halt your holiday decorating for a day or two. Don’t let that missing Wise Man ornament or rumple tree skirt dampen your Christmas cheer! Take advantage of the summer lull and get organized with these Christmas in July off season storage tips.


Holiday Decorations

July is best month to lay out all your Christmas ornaments and get them organized. Remember when last Christmas was over? You had just stuffed away all your decorations in a box to deal with next year. You rolled up all your beautiful twinkling lights in a ball and tossed them in an unlabelled box. Getting your Christmas ornaments in order was not on your mind last January; getting your space tidied up and ready for the New Year was the goal.

If you sort out the ornaments in July, you won’t have to sort out them when you have a million things running in your mind. July is the best time to sort out all your decorations and even purchase some new ones.

Sort and Reduce

Since you do not have the pressure of putting up a tree and get the whole family together, you can sort through the decorations and throw out the ones that are broken or outdated, unless of course there is sentimental value attached to any of them. This will be easier to do during the long days of summer.


Cooking & Serving Equipment

During the holidays, you take out all your fancy cooking and serving equipment and have a nice family time. But after the festival is over, you have a ton of extra silverware just lying around the house, ready to be stored away in their boxes again. If you have just stuffed them away in a box without giving it much thought, you can use the long months of summer to sort through your cutlery.

If you do not have enough space in your drawer, you can hang your silverware in storage buckets.

If you do not have a deep drawer, you can store your things in an upright position in a cupboard and create small compartments in it to store like cutlery together.

Larger cooking equipment like a turkey fryer or roasting pan can be put back directly in their places. Somewhere out of the way such as the garage or a rented self storage unit is best to keep these infrequently used implements.

snow car

Car Care Items

Though not typically used for decorating, you likely have a supply of car care items that are only used seasonally. Things like antifreeze, ice scrapers, de-icer spray, and floor mat protectors may be taking up space in your car when they’re not really needed. Or, they may have ended up randomly stored on a shelf or in a lower cupboard after your holiday road trip. July is a great time to get everything out of the car or rounded up together, and to create a designated storage bin that’s easily identifiable come the first sign of frost.


Sports & Outdoor Equipment

Storing sports equipment can be a big headache. Skis, sleds, snowboards, and the like take a lot of space and need to be tucked away very delicately so that they do not get damaged.

You can install a shelf or make use of bags or bins to store all your sports gear. Bags and bins will keep equipment from getting lost in the mix and protect it from getting damaged as well.

After the season is over, each family member should go through their sporting equipment and determine which ones need to be stored and which ones need to be donated or replaced. July is the best time to go through all your winter sporting gear to get ready for the season beforehand.

Seasonal Clothing

Almost every household has a bunch of seasonal clothing that comes out only during the colder months and is stuffed away in closet, box, or under the bed for the rest of the year. July is the best time to go through Halloween costumes, snow boots, winter coats, etc. After the holiday season is over, take out all your seasons clothing and send them for dry cleaning, repair them, fix the lost buttons and donate the ones that you and your family won’t need anymore.



We generally do not pay much attention to the care of our luggage, but it needs to be looked after as well. During the off season (which could even be during winter break, depending on your typical travel schedule), take out each of your suitcases, duffel bags, garment bags, etc. and clean them inside and out. If any of the zippers or handles need repairing, now is the time to send them in. You should also determine if you need to buy any new luggage and make arrangements to donate the pieces you no longer need.

We often have so much planning, shopping, celebrating, (and eating!) to do during the Halloween to New Year’s Day holiday season that it’s easy to misplace a special decoration or forget where we put the turkey carver last year. Taking time to plan for Christmas in July and to organize all your seasonal items, can really help alleviate feelings of overwhelm and frustration to make more room for the joy of the season.

Ideal Storage | 31483 Commercial Ave NE Kingston, Washington 98346 United States
Ideal Storage | 31483 Commercial Ave NE Kingston, Washington 98346 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Ideal Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Ideal Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://kingstonidealstorage.com/.

The Camping Kitchen: 7 Must-Haves for Cooking in the Great Outdoors

There is something unique and indescribably satisfying about cooking your own meals on your camping trip. Whether it’s the rustic charm of simpler times or a welcome break from your usual cooking routine, meals prepared and enjoyed at the campsite are very special. Sharing a delicious meal in the beauty of nature brings family and friends closer, creating wonderful memories that last a lifetime.

campout group

While there are many gadgets and accessories available to stock your camping kitchen arsenal, the most important thing to consider while choosing your camping kitchen gear is its utility. When possible, you should select equipment and utensils that serve more than one purpose. This way, you can create a multifunctional cooking space that can be packed in and packed up with ease. Whether you’re gathering the basics for your first camping cookout, or looking to streamline what you already have, the following gear will help you put together a well-appointed and efficient camping kitchen.


Cast Iron Skillet

Believe it or not, the good old skillet made of heavy cast iron is among the most useful cooking accessories in the US. Their versatility makes them a perfect fit to different types of cooking, including stove, bonfire, and oven. What’s more? You can prepare a huge variety of dishes and menus with this single magic utensil. Cast iron skillets require minimal maintenance, and even come in lightweight versions equally as strong as their heavier, more traditional counterparts.

Aeropress Coffee Maker

We all need our cup (or cups) of coffee to start the day off right, and during a camping trip is no exception. While there are many automatic coffee makers that prepare coffee in a jiffy, they still leave all the cleaning up to you. A better, low-fuss alternative is the Aeropress. This instant coffee maker doesn’t need electricity, is small enough to fit in your backpack, and produces a perfect cup of coffee in no time. What more could you ask?

camping coffee

Hand Blender

Few cooking accessories will serve you while camping as much as a good-quality hand blender – also known as an eggbeater. You can use this multipurpose tool for preparing soups, sauces, smoothies and much more. Additionally, it can be used to chop nuts, fruits and vegetables, and also to whisk eggs.

Compact Colander

Cooking in a camping kitchen can require a lot of washing and rinsing. This is where a compact colander, preferably one that can be collapsed, comes to the rescue.  These kitchen helpers come in a variety of sizes, designs and materials; silicone and metal are the most popular. With the right one in tow, you will have no problem rinsing fruits and vegetables or cleaning a freshly caught fish.


Disposable Plates and Cups

You should always carry at least some disposable plates and cups on your camping trips. They come in handy for situations in which it would be difficult to pack or wash traditional reusable dishes or cups. You don’t have to frown at the mention of the word ‘disposable’. There are some amazing, eco-friendly disposables available on the market.

Covered Knives

You will undoubtedly need knives of different shapes and sizes on your camping trips, and it’s wise to keep a separate set designated for cooking. All knives in your camping gear should have covers, especially your cooking knives. Having covers makes it easy for you to keep the knife blades clean, and store and retrieve them without hurting yourself in the process. Needless to say, this is especially important if you have kids with you.


Insulated Gloves

On your camping trip, you will (hopefully) build a bonfire or campfire. Cooking over the open flame means you could be handling hot utensils. This is why you need good-quality gloves to protect your hands. You will be able to prevent many unpleasant burns and injuries with these simple yet effective accessories.

cooking stove

The most important thing to consider before purchasing any of these cooking accessories is their first-hand feedback. Look for options that are used and trusted by many people. Online reviews and user experiences should be your guiding light when purchasing these items. Incorporating these cooking accessories into your camping kitchen can make a big difference in how you prepare meals at your campsite. Once you start using them on the go, you will realize how much of your time and effort they save, giving you additional time to spend enjoying the experience of the trip and making memories.


Ideal Storage | Commercial Ave. Kingston Washington 98346 United States
Ideal Storage | Commercial Ave. Kingston Washington 98346 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Ideal Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Ideal Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://kingstonidealstorage.com/.

What You Shouldn’t Store in a Self-Storage Unit

If you are planning to move, reorganize your dwelling, or downsize, or only looking for extra storage space to stow away your stuff for short-term or long-term, you would have found the idea of rented storage very appealing. There is no doubt that rented storage units are a great way to manage your stuff and ensure it’s safeguarding without hassles or stress, many people make glorious mistakes while using their rented storage space. Here is a handy list of items that should never go in your rented storage unit.

Ideal Storage

Living (or Dead) Organisms

This might sound strange, but many people have been found living in and operating their life from rented storage units. They seem to have mistaken these units for rented homes, which are obviously not the same. Rented storage units are only meant for storing your ‘non-living’ stuff. This means that neither you nor your pets or plants can be in there. Even professional gardeners are not allowed to store their plants in storage units.


Perishable Items

No matter what the label of a food or other biological material says, it is bound to perish and decay sometime. Stored food items that go bad are very messy to clean up and are potentially hazardous to human health. The same holds true for boxes and containers that have traces of food or other perishable items.

Firearms and Explosives

Items such as firearms, gunpowder, explosives, and munitions are never allowed inside any storage facility. This is because they carry the risk of potentially harming tenants and damaging the facility.

Hazardous Material

Corrosive, toxic, odorous, and chemical materials are not allowed inside storage units. The same holds true for insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers, bleach, aerosol cans, lead paints, petroleum products, and radioactive compounds and asbestos.

Scented Items and Wet Items

Most storage facilities don’t allow storage of scented or wet items because they have the potential to attract insects or lead to the growth of mold and fungus that may damage other stored goods.

Cash and Expensive Items

Storage facilities require you to disclose the value of the items that you are going to store in their units. Any item that costs more than $5,000 is identified as expensive and is off limits for storage. Also, stolen goods are not allowed.

Ideal Storage no drugs allowed

Illegal Items

It is not a good idea to store banned substances in a storage unit. The same holds true for stolen goods. Don’t be misled by movies and don’t think about storing these items in a rented storage unit, for your own well-being.

Construction Materials

Since spare and unwanted construction material can be recycled and disposed of properly, it is also not allowed inside a rented storage unit. If you have trouble in getting some materials recycled, contact the concerned authority instead of stacking it up in a rented storage facility.

Ideal Storage no vehicle allowed

Uninsured, Unlicensed, or Non-Working Vehicles

If you are thinking about storing your vehicle in a rented storage unit, you have to ensure that it is registered and has a valid license. At the same time, the vehicle should be insured and in working condition.

Now you know about what items are not supposed to be stored in a rented storage facility. However, it is always best to clarify all relevant concerns with the facility and understand their policies for the specifications of the stored items.

Ideal Storage | Commercial Ave. Kingston Washington 98346 United States
Ideal Storage | Commercial Ave. Kingston Washington 98346 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Ideal Storage has got you covered. Here at Ideal Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections with state-of-the-art security features. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://kingstonidealstorage.com/.

3 Tips to Prepare for a Long Term Storage

Rented storage facilities are a blessing if you are looking for options where you can safely stow away your stuff for long-term. Long-term storage of your items may be needed if you are planning to move out of your city or country temporarily for business or military deployment, studies, or if you have an extensive remodeling and revamping plan for your existing dwelling. Whatever the reason be, long-term storage of items requires special considerations to ensure their safety. Here are the three most important tips that will help you in preparing for long-term storage.

Ideal Storage plans for long term storage

Plan the Storage

This might sound absurd, but you need to plan the entire long-term storage drill in your head before actually starting to pack your stuff. This includes some serious research about the suitable storage facilities, thinking about the pros and cons of different packing materials, chalking out the information that you will put on the labels, etc. The most laborious and time-consuming aspect of this drill is to make a list of items that you will store. Only when you have thought the entire process through in your head, you should proceed to the next tip.

Ideal Storage pack for long term storage

Start (and Finish) Packing

Once you know which item will be going to the rented facility for long-term storage, you should start packing each. There are several points to remember in this process:

  • You should thoroughly clean each item before packing. Even a little bit of dust and dirt should not be left. Use the vacuum cleaner if needed.
  • Apply protective sprays to wooden furniture and leather goods.
  • Use a bleach solution to disinfect the internal surfaces of equipment like the refrigerator, washing machine, and dishwasher.
  • Ensure that all items are completely dry and odorless before you pack them for storage.
  • Disassemble all bulky items that can be disassembled. This will not only make packing easy but also give you more space when you stack it in the storage unit.
  • Never close the doors and lids of these items completely to prevent moisture build-up during storage.
  • Use only new boxes for stacking the stuff because new boxes are sturdier.
  • Avoid wrapping the items in plastic bags because they can retain moisture in the long run.
  • Pack fragile and delicate items with special care. Use ample bubble wrap and fillers. Use corrugated sheets to separate them and stack all fragile items in one place.
  • Prepare elaborate and tidy labels and paste many of them on each box to ensure visibility on all sides of the box.

Remember to keep this list safe because it will be helpful when you take the items out of the storage facility.

Ideal Storage packing for long term storage

Choose the Right Storage Facility

The final tip on preparing long-term storage is to choose the right storage facility. There are different kinds of storage units available in the market and each has its own feature. For example, a climate-controlled unit will regulate temperature as well as humidity and may be preferable over a standard unit that doesn’t have these regulatory features. Ask the facility owner about their policies regarding long-term storage and inquire about the insurance details. You should ensure that the storage facility has a sound security system to safeguard your belongings in your absence. The overall maintenance of the facility should also be considered.

If you keep these three tips in mind while preparing for long-term storage, you will come back to find your belongings in great condition. Also, you will be able to retrieve every item without wasting time and making any additional effort.

Ideal Storage | Commercial Ave. Kingston Washington 98346 United States
Ideal Storage | Commercial Ave. Kingston Washington 98346 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings for the long-term, Ideal Storage has got you covered. Here at Ideal Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://kingstonidealstorage.com/.


5 Storage Unit Tips You Didn’t Know About

When you hear storage units, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Well, when we talk about storage units, it’s often viewed as a moving solution or as a seasonal storage solution. But nobody seems to be talking about how amazing storage units can be during a home renovation. Whether you plan on expanding your living room or adding an additional bedroom, you’ll probably need to make room for the remodeling. Often times “making room” means you got to move your furniture and items away from the renovation site. Otherwise, your furniture will get its own makeover and we wouldn’t want to happen.

Ideal Storage storage tips

When it comes to home renovations, the most common issue people run into is the lack of space to properly store their belongings. This is where storage units come in handy.

When renting a storage unit, most people have the big aspects covered – comparing prices and locations, noting the hours the unit is accessible, etc. Here are 5 storage unit tips you didn’t know:

Take Advantage of the Amenities

Rental storage units are a business. Like any business, the owner offers perks and amenities to keep their clients satisfied. Offering free amenities might seem counterintuitive for a company trying to make money, but getting more clients based on word-of-mouth reviews is an equal hand-off.

When considering a storage unit, be sure to ask about their amenities. Some places offer anything from a free moving truck to furniture covers.

Understand Your Belongings Before Storage

Most people have the general idea of tightly packing as many of their belongings into a single storage unit. We get it; you want to maximize your storage space. However, it’s important to understand your belongings before you store anything in them. Some items may require a climate controlled unit to help maintain your furniture in tip-top condition. Depending on how big your home renovation project is, it could take anywhere between 4 to 8 months before completion. This piece of information is often times overlooked and may possibly help with deciding between a regular storage unit and a climate controlled unit.


Benefits of Climate Controlled Units

Many storage unit facilities offer climate-controlled units for a slightly higher price. You might balk at spending more money than you absolutely have to, but it is something for you to consider if the items you plan to store are fragile or valuable. For example, photo albums can easily warp in units that aren’t climate-controlled.

Storage Unit Security

Arguably the most important factor when it comes to storage units and with good reason. Often times, a clean facility is a good indicator that the facility has security cameras. Think about it, would you litter if you knew someone might be watching you? Live security cameras are an industry standard nowadays when it comes to a storage facility. What often sets a secured storage facility apart from one another is having individual storage unit alarms. This little attention to detail security add-on is a great indication that the facility really cares about you and your belongings.

Reserve the Unit ASAP

If you’re planning on having a home renovation within the next couple of months or years, we highly recommend factoring in your storage unit rentals in your planning. Reserve your unit couple of days or months in advance by communicating with the managers. Keep in mind, storage units fill up fast especially if it’s from a reputable facility with great attention to detail and care for their tenants.


Ideal Storage | Commercial Ave. Kingston Washington 98346 United States
Ideal Storage | Commercial Ave. Kingston Washington 98346 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your belongings, Ideal Storage has got you covered in this department. Here at Ideal Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections and top-notch security. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://kingstonidealstorage.com/.

6 Must-Have Storage Unit Tips & Tricks

If you have ever tried organizing small spaces in offices or homes, you will understand how daunting a task it can be. This is because there is a need to place the right items in the right position to maximize space.

The same principles also apply to storage facilities. Rely on the manager for help determining what size unit you will need. Once your unit is rented, you should carefully determine how best to arrange your items in your unit.

The tips & tricks are centered on overall room utilization. Proper space utilization guarantees that your items are well stacked, secure and easy to access.

So, what are those must-have tips and tricks for storage unit space utilization?

1. Consider Your Heavy Items

Ideal Storage bed

While considering heavy items, keep in mind that you are working on saving space and also protecting your items. Heavy items work well as bases, as they are typically more stable, but always check on their fragility to avoid breakages.

Spread out the heavy items around the floor of the room and then start building up from there. Continue to stack boxes according to weight and how fragile the contents are.

Heavy, odd-shaped items like couches may be able to stand on one end depending on how they are constructed. Use items like couches as bases for lighter boxes.
2. Dismantle your Furniture

Ideal Storage sofa

Have you ever thought about how easy it would be to carry that piece of furniture in smaller pieces? If you haven’t then you should give it a thought.

Dismantled items are easy to transport, store and even stack. The whole process revolves around making the storage space more flexible. Think about removing legs from dining tables or breaking down modular furniture that you plan on storing for a while.

3. Fully fill your Boxes

Ideal Storage box

If you are thinking of protecting those fragile items, then you also have to think about fully filling your boxes. Filled boxes reduce the chances of unsafe shifting of items. Ever had a box’s contents shift on you and cause you to lose your grip? The fuller the box, the less likely that shifting will occur.

Apart from the constant knocks and break, there is also the scratching of those precious items of yours. You want to keep your items in good condition, and to do so, you should consider wrapping the items individually. If one item breaks it is less likely to damage another.

Work on placing similar items in the same boxes for easy accessibility. If the boxes are not completely filled, then you can use old blankets, bubble wrap or toys to cover the empty spaces.

4. Choose the Size of your Boxes Wisely
Take a look at warehouses around you. What is that common stacking procedure that you see? If you have not already noticed it is the same size boxes for the same level of stacking. It’s proven that same size boxes fit into smaller space and are easy to stack.

Typically boxes are stacked largest to smallest. Buy as many like-sized boxes as possible to maximize storage efficiency. When using multiple sizes, just be sure to use the largest ones as the base and the smallest ones at the top.

5. Protect your Items

Ideal Storage lock

Consider keeping your items in good condition even when in storage. Sheets work great for covering large furniture items to keep them from getting dust and dirt. Couches and mattresses especially should have protective covers as they are harder to clean than wood surfaces. Treat your wood items with a nice protector before storing and protect your items by using quality locks for the storage unit.

6. Consider Accessibility

Save on time spent looking through boxes for specific items by planning before moving items. Planning will help you sort out items that you might need sooner. Don’t stack too high and be sure to label the outside of each box with the contents so you can easily find what you need when you need it.

If you have room, try to create a center row that can be used as an access point for all items in the unit.  Remember to always place important things at the front!

Ideal Storage | Commercial Ave. Kingston Washington 98346 United States
Ideal Storage | Commercial Ave. Kingston Washington 98346 United States

If you’re looking for a storage facility to store your precious belongings, Ideal Storage has got you covered. Here at Ideal Storage, we offer a wide range of unit selections to accommodate your every need. To learn more about our self-storage facility, please check out our website at http://kingstonidealstorage.com/.